The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

binary-trees F# .NET Core #2 program

source code

// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// Minor modification by Don Syme & Jomo Fisher to use null as representation
// of Empty node.
// Based on F# version by Robert Pickering
// Based on ocaml version by Troestler Christophe & Isaac Gouy
// *reset*

type Tree<'T> = 
    | Empty 
    | Node of Tree<'T> * Tree<'T>

let rec make d =
    if d = 0 then 
        Node(Empty, Empty)
        let d = d - 1
        Node(make d, make d)

let rec check x = 
    match x with 
    | Empty -> 0 
    | Node(l, r) -> 1 + check l + check r

let rec loopDepths maxDepth minDepth d =
    if d <= maxDepth then
        let niter = 1 <<< (maxDepth - d + minDepth)
        let mutable c = 0
        for i = 1 to niter do 
            c <- c + check (make d)
        printf "%i\t trees of depth %i\t check: %i\n" niter d c
        loopDepths maxDepth minDepth (d + 2)

let main args =
    let minDepth = 4
    let maxDepth =
        let n = if args.Length > 0 then int args.[0] else 10
        max (minDepth + 2) n
    let stretchDepth = maxDepth + 1

    let c = check (make stretchDepth)
    printf "stretch tree of depth %i\t check: %i\n" stretchDepth c
    let longLivedTree = make maxDepth
    loopDepths maxDepth minDepth minDepth
    printf "long lived tree of depth %i\t check: %i\n" 
           (check longLivedTree)


notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
2.0.2 a04b4bf512
"System.GC.Server": true

Sat, 11 Nov 2017 21:05:07 GMT

cp binarytrees.fsharpcore-2.fsharpcore Program.fs
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj .
cp Include/fsharpcore/runtimeconfig.template.json .
mkdir obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/project.assets.json ./obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj.nuget.g.props ./obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj.nuget.g.targets ./obj
/usr/bin/dotnet build -c Release --no-restore
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  tmp -> /home/dunham/benchmarksgame_quadcore/binarytrees/tmp/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/tmp.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:09.41

9.97s to complete and log all make actions

/usr/bin/dotnet ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/tmp.dll 21

stretch tree of depth 22	 check: 8388607
2097152	 trees of depth 4	 check: 65011712
524288	 trees of depth 6	 check: 66584576
131072	 trees of depth 8	 check: 66977792
32768	 trees of depth 10	 check: 67076096
8192	 trees of depth 12	 check: 67100672
2048	 trees of depth 14	 check: 67106816
512	 trees of depth 16	 check: 67108352
128	 trees of depth 18	 check: 67108736
32	 trees of depth 20	 check: 67108832
long lived tree of depth 21	 check: 4194303