The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

chameneos-redux Chapel program

source code

/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game

   contributed by Hannah Hemmaplardh, Lydia Duncan, and Brad Chamberlain
   derived in part from the GNU C version by Dmitry Vyukov

config const n = 600,              // number of meetings (must be >= 0)
             popSize1 = 3,         // size of population 1 (must be > 1)
             popSize2 = 10;        // size of population 2 (must be > 1)

enum Color {blue=0, red, yellow};  // the chameneos colors
use Color;                         // permit unqualified references to them

// Print the color equations and simulate the two population sizes.
proc main() {


// Print the results of getNewColor() for all color pairs.
proc printColorEquations() {
  const colors = (blue, red, yellow);

  for c1 in colors do
    for c2 in colors do
      writeln(c1, " + ", c2, " -> ", getNewColor(c1, c2));

// Given a number of chameneos as input, create a population of that
// size, have it print its colors, host 'n' meetings, and print notes
// about the meetings.
proc simulate(numChameneos) {
  const group = new Population(numChameneos);


// special colors to use for a chameneos population of size 10
const colors10 = [blue, red, yellow, red, yellow, blue, red, yellow, red, blue];

// a chameneos population
record Population {
  const size = 0;   // the size of the population

  // an array of chameneos objects representing the population
  var chameneos = [i in 1..size]
                    new Chameneos(i, if size == 10 then colors10[i]
                                                   else ((i-1)%3): Color);

  // Print the colors of the current population.
  proc printColors() {
    for c in chameneos do
      write(" ", c.color);

  // Hold meetings among the population by creating a shared meeting
  // place, and then creating per-chameneos tasks to have meetings.
  proc holdMeetings(numMeetings) {
    const place = new MeetingPlace(numMeetings);

    coforall c in chameneos do           // create a task per chameneos
      c.haveMeetings(place, chameneos);

    delete place;

  // Print notes about the meetings by having each chameneos print the
  // number of meetings it had and spell out the number of
  // self-meetings it had.  Then spell out the total number of
  // meetings for the population.
  proc printNotes() {
    for c in chameneos {
    spellInt(+ reduce chameneos.meetings);

  // Delete the chameneos objects.
  proc ~Population {
    for c in chameneos do
      delete c;

// a class representing a single chameneos
class Chameneos {
  const id: int;                       // its unique ID
  var color: Color;                    // its current color
  var meetings,                        // the number of meetings it's had
      meetingsWithSelf: int;           // the number of meetings with itself
  var meetingCompleted: atomic bool;   // used to coordinate meeting endings

  // Have meetings in a given 'place' with other 'chameneos' as long
  // as more meetings remain by reading the current state and then
  // attempting to optimistically replace it with new state that would
  // indicate that we're a participant.
  proc haveMeetings(place, chameneos) {
    do {
      const (currentState, meetingsLeft, peerID) = place.getInfo();

      if meetingsLeft {
        // We are the first to arrive if the state had no peer ID
        const firstToArrive = (peerID == 0);

        // Attempt to store the values that would indicate we're a
        // participant:
        // - If we're the first to arrive, leave the number of
        //   meetings unchanged and store our ID
        // - Otherwise, we're the second to arrive, so decrement 
        //   the number of meetings and reset the ID to zero.
        if place.attemptToStore(currentState,
                                meetingsLeft - !firstToArrive,
                                if firstToArrive then id else 0) {
          // If we were successful and the first to arrive, wait
          // for the meeting to end; otherwise, run the meeting.
          if firstToArrive then
    } while (meetingsLeft);

  // Wait for our meeting to end by waiting for 'meetingCompleted'
  // to become 'true' and then resetting it to 'false'.
  proc waitForMeetingToEnd() {

  // Meet with a 'peer' chameneos by computing our shared new color,
  // storing it, and incrementing the number of meetings for each
  // chameneos.  Signal to the peer that the meeting is complete.  If
  // the peer was us, update our 'meetingsWithSelf' count.  Set the
  // peer free as quickly as possible so it can go on to meet with
  // others.
  proc meetWith(peer) {
    const newColor = getNewColor(color, peer.color);

    peer.color = newColor;
    peer.meetings += 1;
    peer.meetingsWithSelf += (peer == this);

    color = newColor;
    meetings += 1;
    meetingsWithSelf += (peer == this);

// Return the complement of two colors: If the colors are the same,
// that's the result; otherwise, it's the third color.
inline proc getNewColor(myColor, otherColor) {
  select myColor {
    // Handle the case when the two colors are equal
    when otherColor do
      return myColor;

    // Handle the cases when they are not:
    when blue do
      return (if otherColor == red then yellow else red);

    when red do
      return (if otherColor == blue then yellow else blue);

      return (if otherColor == blue then red else blue);

// The number of bits needed to store a chameneos ID (upper bound).
config param bitsPerChameneosID = 8;

// A class representing a place for chameneos to meet
class MeetingPlace {
  // Its state packs a chameneos ID in the lower 'bitsPerChameneosID'
  // bits and the number of meetings in the upper ones, permitting
  // atomic operations to read/write the pair of values simultaneously.
  var state: atomic int;

  // Initialize the number of meetings that should take place
  proc MeetingPlace(numMeetings) {
    state.write(numMeetings << bitsPerChameneosID);

  // Read the current state and return it, along with the number of
  // meetings and chameneos ID that it encodes.
  proc getInfo() {
    param chameneosIDMask = (0x1 << bitsPerChameneosID) - 1;
    const currentState =,
          meetingsRemaining = currentState >> bitsPerChameneosID,
          chameneosID = currentState & chameneosIDMask;

    return (currentState, meetingsRemaining, chameneosID);

  // Given a previous state value, a number of meetings, and a
  // chameneos ID, compute a new state value and attempt to
  // replace the old one with it (using an atomic compare-exchange),
  // returning 'true' if 'successful.
  proc attemptToStore(prevState, numMeetings, chameneosID) {
    const newState = (numMeetings << bitsPerChameneosID) | chameneosID;
    return state.compareExchangeStrong(prevState, newState);

// the base-10 digits as an enum to support I/O and casting trivially
enum digit {zero=0, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine};

// Print out the digits of argument 'n' as English words by casting
// 'n' to a string, iterating over its characters, casting those
// characters to integers, converting those integers to 'digit's, and
// printing those digits out.
proc spellInt(n) {
  const s = n: string;
  for c in s do
    write(" ", (c: int): digit);

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
chpl Version 1.16.0
Copyright (c) 2004-2017, Cray Inc.

Wed, 25 Oct 2017 16:52:36 GMT

mv chameneosredux.chapel chameneosredux.chpl
/opt/src/chapel-1.16.0/bin/linux64/chpl --fast chameneosredux.chpl -o chameneosredux.chapel_run
rm chameneosredux.chpl

12.10s to complete and log all make actions

./chameneosredux.chapel_run --n=6000000

blue + blue -> blue
blue + red -> yellow
blue + yellow -> red
red + blue -> yellow
red + red -> red
red + yellow -> blue
yellow + blue -> red
yellow + red -> blue
yellow + yellow -> yellow

 blue red yellow
3862946 zero
3590172 zero
4546882 zero
 one two zero zero zero zero zero zero

 blue red yellow red yellow blue red yellow red blue
957846 zero
879659 zero
1615527 zero
1634086 zero
881574 zero
976168 zero
1539860 zero
1671254 zero
873522 zero
970504 zero
 one two zero zero zero zero zero zero