The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

chameneos-redux Racket #2 program

source code

#lang racket/base

;;; The Computer Language Benchmarks Game

;;; contributed by Matthew Flatt
;;; modified by HN
;;; Uses Racket threads

(require racket/cmdline

(define (change c1 c2)
  (case c1
     (case c2 [(blue) 'yellow] [(yellow) 'blue] [else c1])]
     (case c2 [(blue) 'red] [(red) 'blue] [else c1])]
     (case c2 [(yellow) 'red] [(red) 'yellow] [else c1])]))
(let ([colors '(blue red yellow)])
  (for* ([a colors][b colors])
    (printf "~a + ~a -> ~a\n" a b (change a b))))

(define (place meeting-ch n custodian)
  (parameterize ([current-custodian custodian])
     (lambda ()
       (let loop ([n n])
         (if (zero? n)
             ;; Fade all:
             (let loop ()
               (let ([c (channel-get meeting-ch)])
                 (channel-put (car c) #f)
             ;; Let two meet:
             (match-let ([(cons ch1 v1) (channel-get meeting-ch)]
                         [(cons ch2 v2) (channel-get meeting-ch)])
               (channel-put ch1 v2)
               (channel-put ch2 v1)
               (loop (sub1 n)))))))))

(define (creature color meeting-ch result-ch custodian)
  (parameterize ([current-custodian custodian])
     (lambda ()
       (let ([ch (make-channel)]
             [name (gensym)])
         (let loop ([color color][met 0][same 0])
           (channel-put meeting-ch (cons ch (cons color name)))
           (match (channel-get ch)
             [(cons other-color other-name)
              ;; Meet:
              (loop (change color other-color) 
                    (add1 met)
                    (+ same (if (eq? name other-name)
              ;; Done:
              (channel-put result-ch (cons met same))])))))))

(define (spell n)
  (for ([i (number->string n)])
    (display " ")
    (display (hash-ref digits i))))
(define digits
  #hash((#\0 . "zero")
        (#\1 . "one")
        (#\2 . "two")
        (#\3 . "three")
        (#\4 . "four")
        (#\5 . "five")
        (#\6 . "six")
        (#\7 . "seven")
        (#\8 . "eight")
        (#\9 . "nine")))

(define (go n inits)
  (let ([result-ch (make-channel)]
        [meeting-ch (make-channel)]
        [custodian (make-custodian)])
    (place meeting-ch n custodian)
    (for ([init inits])
      (printf " ~a" init)
      (creature init meeting-ch result-ch custodian))
    (let ([results (for/list ([i inits])
                     (channel-get result-ch))])
      (for ([r results])
        (display (car r))
        (spell (cdr r))
      (spell (apply + (map car results)))
    (custodian-shutdown-all custodian)))

(let ([n (command-line #:args (n) (string->number n))])
  (go n '(blue red yellow))
  (go n '(blue red yellow red yellow blue red yellow red blue))

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Welcome to Racket v6.12.

Tue, 27 Mar 2018 19:32:30 GMT

/opt/src/racket-6.12/bin/raco make chameneosredux.racket-2.racket

0.84s to complete and log all make actions

/opt/src/racket-6.12/bin/racket ./compiled/chameneosredux.racket-2_racket.zo 6000000

blue + blue -> blue
blue + red -> yellow
blue + yellow -> red
red + blue -> yellow
red + red -> red
red + yellow -> blue
yellow + blue -> red
yellow + red -> blue
yellow + yellow -> yellow

 blue red yellow
3999999 zero
4000000 zero
4000001 zero
 one two zero zero zero zero zero zero

 blue red yellow red yellow blue red yellow red blue
1199821 zero
1199919 zero
1200045 zero
1199989 zero
1199997 zero
1200046 zero
1200045 zero
1200046 zero
1200046 zero
1200046 zero
 one two zero zero zero zero zero zero