The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

fannkuch-redux TypeScript program

source code

/* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
   contributed by Isaac Gouy 

/// <reference path="./Include/node/index.d.ts" />

function fannkuch(n: number): number {
   const perm = new Array(n), count = new Array(n)

   const perm1 = new Array(n)
   for (let i=0; i<n; i++) { perm1[i] = i }

   let f = 0, i = 0, k = 0, r = 0, flips = 0, nperm = 0, checksum = 0

   r = n
   while (r > 0) {
      i = 0
      while (r != 1) { count[r-1] = r; r -= 1 }
      while (i < n) { perm[i] = perm1[i]; i += 1 }

      // Count flips and update max  and checksum
      f = 0
      k = perm[0]
      while (k != 0) {
         i = 0
         while (2*i < k) {
            const t = perm[i]; perm[i] = perm[k-i]; perm[k-i] = t
            i += 1
         k = perm[0]
         f += 1
      if (f > flips) { flips = f }
      if ((nperm & 0x1) == 0) { checksum += f } else { checksum -= f }

      // Use incremental change to generate another permutation
      let go = true
      while (go) {
         if (r == n) {
            return flips
         let p0 = perm1[0]
         i = 0
         while (i < r) {
            const j = i+1
            perm1[i] = perm1[j]
            i = j
         perm1[r] = p0

         count[r] -= 1
         if (count[r] > 0) { go = false } else { r += 1 }
      nperm += 1
   return flips

const n = +process.argv[2]
console.log( "Pfannkuchen(" + n + ") = " + fannkuch(n) )


notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
Version 2.6.2
node.js v9.4.0

Wed, 10 Jan 2018 20:22:43 GMT

mv fannkuchredux.typescript fannkuchredux.ts
/opt/src/node-v9.4.0-linux-x64/bin/tsc --alwaysStrict -t ESNEXT  fannkuchredux.ts

2.83s to complete and log all make actions

/opt/src/node-v9.4.0-linux-x64/bin/node --use_strict fannkuchredux.js 12

Pfannkuchen(12) = 65