The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

k-nucleotide F# .NET Core #4 program

source code

(* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
 * contributed by Don Syme
 * based on C# contribution by Isaac Gouy, Antti Lankila, A.Nahr, The Anh Tran
 * Uses native pointer access to one big pinned blob, plus simple task runner

#nowarn "9"

open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Text
open System.Threading
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
open Microsoft.FSharp.NativeInterop

let toBytes (s: string) = s.ToCharArray() |> byte
let toString (s: byte []) = String(s |> char)
let prefixes = [| "ggt"; "ggta"; "ggtatt"; "ggtattttaatt"; "ggtattttaatttatagt" |]

let prefixBytes = 
    [| for p in prefixes -> toBytes p |]

let prefixLengths = 
    [| for p in prefixBytes -> p.Length |]

let prefixOffsets = Array.scan (+) 0 prefixLengths
let dnaStart = prefixOffsets.[prefixLengths.Length]

let createDNA() = 
    //let input = File.OpenText("knucleotide-input-2500000.txt")
    let input = new StreamReader(Console.OpenStandardInput())
    let text = 
        seq { 
            while true do
                yield input.ReadLine()
        |> Seq.takeWhile (fun x -> x <> null)
        |> Seq.skipWhile (fun x -> not (x.StartsWith(">THREE")))
        |> Seq.skip 1
        |> String.concat ""
    // convert the text to a pinned array of bytes
    let bytes = 
        |> toBytes
        |> Array.append (Array.concat prefixBytes)
    let h = GCHandle.Alloc(bytes, GCHandleType.Pinned)
    let addr = h.AddrOfPinnedObject() |> NativePtr.ofNativeInt
    addr, bytes.Length

let dna, dnaLength = createDNA()
let inline readDNA i = NativePtr.get dna i

let inline readDNABytes s n = 
    let res = Array.zeroCreate n
    for i in 0..n - 1 do
        res.[i] <- NativePtr.get dna (s + i)

let keyHash (k, n) = 
    let mutable hash = 0
    for i in 0..n - 1 do
        hash <- hash * 31 + int (readDNA (k + i))

let keyText (k, n) = toString(readDNABytes k n).ToUpper()

type Value = 
    { mutable value: int
      key: int * int }

let generateFrequencies (frameSize) = 
    let freq = Dictionary<int, Value>()
    let mutable v = Unchecked.defaultof<Value>
    for i in dnaStart..dnaLength - frameSize do
        let h = keyHash (i, frameSize)
        if freq.TryGetValue(h, &v) then v.value <- v.value + 1
        else freq.Add(h, { value = 1; key = (i, frameSize) })

let writeCount (n: int) = 
    let freq = generateFrequencies (prefixLengths.[n])
    let hash = keyHash (prefixOffsets.[n], prefixLengths.[n])
    let count = 
        if freq.ContainsKey(hash) then freq.[hash].value
        else 0
    String.Format("{0}\t{1}", count, prefixes.[n].ToUpper())

type Pair = KeyValuePair<int, Value>

let writeFrequencies (nucleotideLength) = 
    let freq = generateFrequencies (nucleotideLength)
    let items = new ResizeArray<Pair>(freq)
    items.Sort(fun (p1: Pair) (p2: Pair) -> 
        let c = p2.Value.value - p1.Value.value
        if c = 0 then keyText(p1.Value.key).CompareTo(keyText(p2.Value.key))
        else c)
    let buf = new StringBuilder()
    let sum = dnaLength - dnaStart - nucleotideLength + 1
    for element in items do
        let percent = double element.Value.value * 100.0 / double sum
        buf.AppendFormat("{0} {1:f3}\n", keyText element.Value.key, percent) |> ignore

let runTasks (tasks: (unit -> 'T) []) = 
    let taskCount = ref tasks.Length
    let results = Array.zeroCreate tasks.Length
    let rec worker() = 
        let j = Interlocked.Decrement(&taskCount.contents)
        if j >= 0 then 
            results.[j] <- tasks.[j]()
    let threads = 
        Array.init Environment.ProcessorCount (fun i -> 
            let t = new Thread(worker)
    for t in threads do

let results = 
    runTasks [| yield (fun () -> writeFrequencies 1)
                yield (fun () -> writeFrequencies 2)
                for i in 0..prefixes.Length - 1 do
                    yield (fun () -> writeCount i) |]

//let endTime = System.DateTime.Now.Ticks
for s in results do

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
2.0.2 a04b4bf512
"System.GC.Server": true

Thu, 09 Nov 2017 00:22:18 GMT

cp knucleotide.fsharpcore-4.fsharpcore Program.fs
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj .
cp Include/fsharpcore/runtimeconfig.template.json .
mkdir obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/project.assets.json ./obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj.nuget.g.props ./obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj.nuget.g.targets ./obj
/usr/bin/dotnet build -c Release --no-restore
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  tmp -> /home/dunham/benchmarksgame_quadcore/knucleotide/tmp/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/tmp.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:09.74

10.27s to complete and log all make actions

/usr/bin/dotnet ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/tmp.dll 0 < knucleotide-input25000000.txt

A 30.295
T 30.151
C 19.800
G 19.754

AA 9.177
TA 9.132
AT 9.131
TT 9.091
CA 6.002
AC 6.001
AG 5.987
GA 5.984
CT 5.971
TC 5.971
GT 5.957
TG 5.956
CC 3.917
GC 3.911
CG 3.909
GG 3.902

1471758	GGT
446535	GGTA
47336	GGTATT