The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

mandelbrot Rust #3 program

source code

// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// contributed by Matt Watson
// contributed by TeXitoi

extern crate futures;
extern crate futures_cpupool;

use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::{Add, Mul, Sub};
use std::sync::Arc;
use futures::Future;
use futures_cpupool::{CpuPool, CpuFuture};

const MAX_ITER: usize = 50;
const VLEN: usize = 8;
const ZEROS: Vecf64 = Vecf64([0.; VLEN]);

macro_rules! for_vec {
    ( in_each [ $( $val:tt ),* ] do $from:ident $op:tt $other:ident ) => {
        $( $from.0[$val] $op $other.0[$val]; )*
    ( $from:ident $op:tt $other:ident ) => {
        for_vec!(in_each [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] do $from $op $other);

#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Vecf64([f64; VLEN]);
impl Mul for Vecf64 {
    type Output = Vecf64;
    fn mul(mut self, other: Vecf64) -> Vecf64 {
        for_vec!(self *= other);
impl Add for Vecf64 {
    type Output = Vecf64;
    fn add(mut self, other: Vecf64) -> Vecf64 {
        for_vec!(self += other);
impl Sub for Vecf64 {
    type Output = Vecf64;
    fn sub(mut self, other: Vecf64) -> Vecf64 {
        for_vec!(self -= other);

pub fn mbrot8(cr: Vecf64, ci: Vecf64) -> u8 {
    let mut zr = ZEROS;
    let mut zi = ZEROS;
    let mut tr = ZEROS;
    let mut ti = ZEROS;
    for _ in 0..MAX_ITER / 5 {
        for _ in 0..5 {
            zi = (zr + zr) * zi + ci;
            zr = tr - ti + cr;
            tr = zr * zr;
            ti = zi * zi;
        if (tr + ti).0.iter().all(|&t| t > 4.) {
            return 0;
    (tr + ti).0.iter()
        .map(|(i, &t)| if t <= 4. { 0x80 >> i } else { 0 })
        .fold(0, |accu, b| accu | b)

fn main() {
    let size = std::env::args().nth(1).and_then(|n| n.parse().ok()).unwrap_or(200);
    let size = size / VLEN * VLEN;
    let inv = 2. / size as f64;
    let mut xloc = vec![ZEROS; size / VLEN];
    for i in 0..size {
        xloc[i / VLEN].0[i % VLEN] = i as f64 * inv - 1.5;
    let xloc = Arc::new(xloc);
    let pool = CpuPool::new_num_cpus();

    let future_rows: Vec<CpuFuture<Vec<_>, ()>> = (0..size).map(|y| {
        let xloc = xloc.clone();
        let ci = Vecf64([y as f64 * inv - 1.; VLEN]);
        pool.spawn_fn(move || Ok((0..size / VLEN).map(|x| mbrot8(xloc[x], ci)).collect()))

    println!("P4\n{} {}", size, size);
    let stdout_unlocked = std::io::stdout();
    let mut stdout = stdout_unlocked.lock();
    for row in future_rows {

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
rustc 1.25.0 (84203cac6 2018-03-25)

Thu, 29 Mar 2018 17:00:19 GMT

/opt/src/rust-1.25.0/bin/rustc -C opt-level=3 -C target-cpu=core2 -C lto -C codegen-units=1 -L /opt/src/rust-libs -o mandelbrot.rust-3.rust_run

9.60s to complete and log all make actions

./mandelbrot.rust-3.rust_run 16000