The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

meteor-contest C++ g++ #5 program

source code

// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// contributed by Ben St. John
// some ideas taken from Kevin Barnes' implementation

/* A few key optimizations:
- pre-calcing of all possible orientations of each piece
- pre-calcing of which orientations are possible in each board position
- fast calculation of boards with bad islands (which are unsolveable)
- pre-calc of some boards (by top three lines) which *always* have bad islands
- using only 32-bit boards representations (plus row offset)
- improvement since #4 -- no caching of top three lines for other reasons
- not using STL vector -- it noticeably slow things down
- rotating each found solution, so only half need to be calculated -- done by removing
half the rotations of one piece (SKIP_PIECE) chosen as the one with the most valid positions
on the board, so only half the solution space is searched

For size, most seems to come from the standard libs.
I'm tempted to get rid of string, and maybe use cstdio.

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory.h>

using namespace std;

#define getMask(iPos) (1 << (iPos))

enum {X, Y, N_DIM};

typedef unsigned int TUInt32;
typedef unsigned long long TUInt64;
typedef signed char TInt8;
typedef TUInt32 BitVec;

static const int N_COL = 5;
static const int N_ROW = 10;
static const int N_CELL = N_COL * N_ROW;
static const int N_PIECE_TYPE = 10;

struct Piece;

struct Soln {
   static const int NO_PIECE = -1;

   void setCells(void);
   bool lessThan(Soln & r);
   string toString(void) const;
   void fill(int val);
   void spin(Soln & spun);

   bool isEmpty(void) {return (m_nPiece == 0);}
   void popPiece(void) {m_nPiece--; m_synched = false;}
   void pushPiece(BitVec vec, int iPiece, int row) {
      SPiece & p = m_pieces[m_nPiece++];
      p.vec = vec;
      p.iPiece = (short)iPiece;
      p.row = (short)row;

   Soln(int fillVal);
   Soln() : m_synched(false), m_nPiece(0) {}

   struct SPiece {
      BitVec vec;
      short iPiece;
      short row;
      SPiece() {}
      SPiece(BitVec avec, TUInt32 apiece, TUInt32 arow) :
      vec(avec), iPiece(short(apiece)), row(short(arow))
   SPiece m_pieces[N_PIECE_TYPE];
   TUInt32 m_nPiece;
   TInt8 m_cells[N_ROW][N_COL];
   bool m_synched;

struct Board {
   static const BitVec L_EDGE_MASK =
      (1 <<  0) | (1 <<  5) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 15) |
      (1 << 20) | (1 << 25) | (1 << 30);
   static const BitVec R_EDGE_MASK = L_EDGE_MASK << 4;
   static const BitVec TOP_ROW = (1 << N_COL) - 1;
   static const TUInt32 TWO_ROWS = 2 * N_COL;
   static const BitVec TOP_2_ROWS = (1 << TWO_ROWS) - 1;

   static const BitVec ROW_0_MASK =
      TOP_ROW | (TOP_ROW << 10) | (TOP_ROW << 20) | (TOP_ROW << 30);
   static const BitVec ROW_1_MASK = ROW_0_MASK << 5;
   static const BitVec BOARD_MASK = (1 << 30) - 1;


   static TUInt32 getIndex(TUInt32 x, TUInt32 y) { return y * N_COL + x; }
   static bool badRegion(BitVec & toFill, BitVec rNew);
   static int hasBadIslands(BitVec boardVec, int row);
   static int calcBadIslands(BitVec boardVec, int row);
   static bool hasBadIslandsSingle(BitVec boardVec, int row);
   static void calcAlwaysBad(void);

   void genAllSolutions(BitVec boardVec, TUInt32 placedPieces, TUInt32 iNextFill);
   void recordSolution(Soln & s);

   Soln m_curSoln;
   Soln m_minSoln;
   Soln m_maxSoln;
   TUInt32 m_nSoln;


struct Piece {
   struct Instance {
      TUInt64 m_allowed;
      BitVec m_vec;
      int m_offset;

   static const int N_ELEM = 5;
   static const int N_ORIENT = 12;
   static const int ALL_PIECE_MASK = (1 << N_PIECE_TYPE) - 1;
   static const TUInt32 SKIP_PIECE = 5; // it's magic!

   typedef int TPts[N_ELEM][N_DIM];

   static const BitVec BaseVecs[N_PIECE_TYPE];
   static Piece s_basePiece[N_PIECE_TYPE][N_ORIENT];

   static const Instance & getPiece(TUInt32 iPiece, TUInt32 iOrient, TUInt32 iParity);
   static BitVec toBitVector(const TPts & pts);
   static void genOrientation(BitVec vec, TUInt32 iOrient, Piece & target);
   static void setCoordList(BitVec vec, TPts & pts);
   static void shiftUpLines(TPts & pts, int shift);
   static int shiftToX0(TPts & pts, Instance & instance, int offsetRow);
   void setOkPos(TUInt32 isOdd, int w, int h);
   static void genAllOrientations(void);

   Instance m_instance[N_PARITY];

struct OkPieces {
   TInt8 nPieces[N_PIECE_TYPE];
   TUInt32 pieceVec[N_PIECE_TYPE][Piece::N_ORIENT];

static OkPieces g_okPieces[N_ROW][N_COL] = {{0}};

#define MAX_ISLAND_OFFSET 1024
struct IslandInfo {
   TUInt32 alwaysBad[N_PARITY];

static IslandInfo g_islandInfo[MAX_ISLAND_OFFSET] = {0};

Soln::Soln(int fillVal) :
m_nPiece(0) {

void Soln::fill(int val) {
   m_synched = false;
   memset(m_cells, val, N_CELL);

string Soln::toString(void) const {
   string result;
   result.reserve(N_CELL * 2);

   for (int y = 0; y < N_ROW; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < N_COL; x++) {
         int val = m_cells[y][x];
         result += ((val == NO_PIECE) ? '.' : char('0' + val));
         result += ' ';
      result += '\n';

      // indent every second line
      if (y % 2 == 0)
         result += " ";
   return result;

void Soln::setCells(void) {
   if (m_synched)

   for (TUInt32 iPiece = 0; iPiece < m_nPiece; iPiece++) {
      const SPiece & p = m_pieces[iPiece];
      BitVec vec = p.vec;
      TInt8 pID = (TInt8)p.iPiece;
      int rowOffset = p.row;

      int nNewCells = 0;
      for (int y = rowOffset; y < N_ROW; y++) {
         for (int x = 0; x < N_COL; x++) {
            if (vec & 1) {
               m_cells[y][x] = pID;
            vec >>= 1;
         if (nNewCells == Piece::N_ELEM)
   m_synched = true;

bool Soln::lessThan(Soln & r) {
   if (m_pieces[0].iPiece != r.m_pieces[0].iPiece) {
      return m_pieces[0].iPiece < r.m_pieces[0].iPiece;


   for (int y = 0; y < N_ROW; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < N_COL; x++) {
         int lval = m_cells[y][x];
         int rval = r.m_cells[y][x];

         if (lval != rval)
            return (lval < rval);

   return false; // solutions are equal

void Soln::spin(Soln & spun) {

   // swap cells
   for (int y = 0; y < N_ROW; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < N_COL; x++) {
         TInt8 flipped = m_cells[N_ROW - y - 1][N_COL - x - 1];
         spun.m_cells[y][x] = flipped;

   // swap first and last pieces (the rest aren't used)
   spun.m_pieces[0].iPiece = m_pieces[N_PIECE_TYPE - 1].iPiece;
   spun.m_synched = true;


Piece Piece::s_basePiece[N_PIECE_TYPE][N_ORIENT];

const BitVec Piece::BaseVecs[] = {
   0x10f, 0x0cb, 0x1087, 0x427, 0x465,
   0x0c7, 0x8423, 0x0a7, 0x187, 0x08f

int floor(int top, int bot) {
   int toZero = top / bot;
   // negative numbers should be rounded down, not towards zero
   if ((toZero * bot != top) && ((top < 0) != (bot <= 0)))

   return toZero;

const TUInt32 s_firstOne[32] = {
   0, 0, 1, 0,   2, 0, 1, 0,
   3, 0, 1, 0,   2, 0, 1, 0,

   4, 0, 1, 0,   2, 0, 1, 0,
   3, 0, 1, 0,   2, 0, 1, 0,

TUInt32 getFirstOne(BitVec v, TUInt32 startPos = 0) {
   if (v == 0)
      return 0;

   TUInt32 iPos = startPos;
   BitVec mask = 0xff << startPos;
   if ((mask & v) == 0) {
      mask <<= 8; iPos += 8;
      if ((mask & v) == 0) {
         mask <<= 8; iPos += 8;
         if ((mask & v) == 0) {
            mask <<= 8; iPos += 8;

   TUInt32 result = TUInt32((mask & v) >> iPos);
   TUInt32 resultLow = result & 0x0f;
   if (resultLow != 0)
      iPos += s_firstOne[resultLow];
      iPos += 4 + s_firstOne[result >> 4];

   return iPos;

void Piece::setCoordList(BitVec vec, TPts & pts) {
   int iPt = 0;
   BitVec mask = 1;
   for (int y = 0; y < N_ROW; y++) {
      for (int x = 0; x < N_COL; x++) {
         if (mask & vec) {
            pts[iPt][X] = x;
            pts[iPt][Y] = y;

         mask <<= 1;

BitVec Piece::toBitVector(const TPts & pts) {
   int y, x;
   BitVec result = 0;
   for (int iPt = 0; iPt < N_ELEM; iPt++) {
      x = pts[iPt][X];
      y = pts[iPt][Y];

      int pos = Board::getIndex(x, y);
      result |= (1 << pos);

   return result;

void Piece::shiftUpLines(TPts & pts, int shift) {
   // vertical shifts have a twist
   for (int iPt = 0; iPt < N_ELEM; iPt++) {
      int & rx = pts[iPt][X];
      int & ry = pts[iPt][Y];

      if (ry & shift & 0x1)
      ry -= shift;

int Piece::shiftToX0(TPts & pts, Instance & instance, int offsetRow)
   // .. determine shift
   int x, y, iPt;
   int xMin = pts[0][X];
   int xMax = xMin;
   for (iPt = 1; iPt < N_ELEM; iPt++) {
      x = pts[iPt][X];
      y = pts[iPt][Y];

      if (x < xMin)
         xMin = x;
      else if (x > xMax)
         xMax = x;

   // I'm dying for a 'foreach' here
   int offset = N_ELEM;
   for (iPt = 0; iPt < N_ELEM; iPt++) {
      int & rx = pts[iPt][X];
      int & ry = pts[iPt][Y];

      rx -= xMin;

      // check offset -- leftmost cell on top line
      if ((ry == offsetRow) && (rx < offset))
         offset = rx;

   instance.m_offset = offset;
   instance.m_vec = toBitVector(pts);
   return xMax - xMin;

void Piece::setOkPos(TUInt32 isOdd, int w, int h) {
   Instance & p = m_instance[isOdd];
   TUInt64 & allowed = p.m_allowed = 0;
   TUInt64 posMask = 1LL << (isOdd * N_COL);

   for (int y = isOdd; y < N_ROW - h; y+=2, posMask <<= N_COL) {
      if (p.m_offset)
         posMask <<= p.m_offset;

      for (int xPos = 0; xPos < N_COL - p.m_offset; xPos++, posMask <<= 1) {
         // check if the new position is on the board
         if (xPos >= N_COL - w)

         // move it to the desired location
         BitVec pieceVec = p.m_vec << xPos;

         if (Board::hasBadIslandsSingle(pieceVec, y))

         // position is allowed
         allowed |= posMask;

void Piece::genOrientation(BitVec vec, TUInt32 iOrient, Piece & target)
   // get (x,y) coordinates
   TPts pts;
   setCoordList(vec, pts);

   int y, x, iPt;
   int rot = iOrient % 6;
   int flip = iOrient >= 6;
   if (flip) {
      for (iPt = 0; iPt < N_ELEM; iPt++)
         pts[iPt][Y] = -pts[iPt][Y];

   // rotate as necessary
   while (rot--) {
      for (iPt = 0; iPt < N_ELEM; iPt++) {
         x = pts[iPt][X];
         y = pts[iPt][Y];

         // I just worked this out by hand. Took a while.
         int xNew = floor((2 * x - 3 * y + 1), 4);
         int yNew = floor((2 * x + y + 1), 2);
         pts[iPt][X] = xNew;
         pts[iPt][Y] = yNew;

   // determine vertical shift
   int yMin = pts[0][Y];
   int yMax = yMin;
   for (iPt = 1; iPt < N_ELEM; iPt++) {
      y = pts[iPt][Y];

      if (y < yMin)
         yMin = y;
      else if (y > yMax)
         yMax = y;
   int h = yMax - yMin;
   Instance & even = target.m_instance[EVEN];
   Instance & odd = target.m_instance[ODD];

   shiftUpLines(pts, yMin);
   int w = shiftToX0(pts, even, 0);
   target.setOkPos(EVEN, w, h);
   even.m_vec >>= even.m_offset;

   // shift down one line
   shiftUpLines(pts, -1);
   w = shiftToX0(pts, odd, 1);
   // shift the bitmask back one line
   odd.m_vec >>= N_COL;
   target.setOkPos(ODD, w, h);
   odd.m_vec >>= odd.m_offset;

void Piece::genAllOrientations(void) {
   for (int iPiece = 0; iPiece < N_PIECE_TYPE; iPiece++) {
      BitVec refPiece = BaseVecs[iPiece];
      for (int iOrient = 0; iOrient < N_ORIENT; iOrient++) {
         Piece & p = s_basePiece[iPiece][iOrient];
         genOrientation(refPiece, iOrient, p);
         if ((iPiece == SKIP_PIECE) && ((iOrient / 3) & 1))
            p.m_instance[0].m_allowed = p.m_instance[1].m_allowed = 0;

   for (int iPiece = 0; iPiece < N_PIECE_TYPE; iPiece++) {
      for (int iOrient = 0; iOrient < N_ORIENT; iOrient++) {
         TUInt64 mask = 1;
         for (int iRow = 0; iRow < N_ROW; iRow++) {
            const Instance & p = getPiece(iPiece, iOrient, (iRow & 1));
            for (int iCol = 0; iCol < N_COL; iCol++) {
               OkPieces & allowed = g_okPieces[iRow][iCol];
               if (p.m_allowed & mask) {
                  TInt8 & nPiece = allowed.nPieces[iPiece];
                  allowed.pieceVec[iPiece][nPiece] = p.m_vec << iCol;

               mask <<= 1;

inline const Piece::Instance & Piece::getPiece(TUInt32 iPiece, TUInt32 iOrient, TUInt32 iParity) {
   return s_basePiece[iPiece][iOrient].m_instance[iParity];

// ------------------------------------

Board::Board() :
m_curSoln(Soln::NO_PIECE), m_minSoln(N_PIECE_TYPE),
m_maxSoln(Soln::NO_PIECE), m_nSoln(0)

TUInt32 g_flip[] = {
   0x00, 0x10, 0x08, 0x18, 0x04, 0x14, 0x0c, 0x1c,
   0x02, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x06, 0x16, 0x0e, 0x1e,

   0x01, 0x11, 0x09, 0x19, 0x05, 0x15, 0x0d, 0x1d,
   0x03, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x1b, 0x07, 0x17, 0x0f, 0x1f,

inline TUInt32 flipTwoRows(TUInt32 bits) {
   TUInt32 flipped = g_flip[bits >> N_COL] << N_COL;
   return (flipped | g_flip[bits & Board::TOP_ROW]);

void Board::calcAlwaysBad(void) {
   for (TUInt32 iWord = 1; iWord < MAX_ISLAND_OFFSET; iWord++) {
      IslandInfo & isleInfo = g_islandInfo[iWord];
      IslandInfo & flipped = g_islandInfo[flipTwoRows(iWord)];

      for (TUInt32 i = 0, mask = 1; i < 32; i++, mask <<= 1) {
         TUInt32 boardVec = (i << TWO_ROWS) | iWord;

         int hasBad = calcBadIslands(boardVec, 0);
         if (hasBad == ALWAYS_BAD) {
            isleInfo.alwaysBad[EVEN] |= mask;

            TUInt32 flipMask = getMask(g_flip[i]);
            flipped.alwaysBad[ODD] |= flipMask;

bool Board::hasBadIslandsSingle(BitVec boardVec, int row)
   BitVec toFill = ~boardVec;
   bool isOdd = (row & 1);
   if (isOdd) {
      toFill <<= N_COL; // shift to even aligned
      toFill |= TOP_ROW;

   BitVec startRegion = TOP_ROW;
   BitVec lastRow = TOP_ROW << (5 * N_COL);
   BitVec boardMask = BOARD_MASK; // all but the first two bits
   if (row >= 4)
      boardMask >>= ((row - 4) * N_COL);
   else if (isOdd || (row == 0))
      startRegion = lastRow;

   toFill &= boardMask;
   startRegion &= toFill;

   while (toFill)    {
      if (badRegion(toFill, startRegion))
         return true;
      int iPos = getFirstOne(toFill);
      startRegion = getMask(iPos);

   return false;

void Board::recordSolution(Soln & s) {
   m_nSoln += 2; // add solution and its rotation

   if (m_minSoln.isEmpty()) {
      m_minSoln = m_maxSoln = s;

   if (s.lessThan(m_minSoln))
      m_minSoln = s;
   else if (m_maxSoln.lessThan(s))
      m_maxSoln = s;

   Soln spun;
   if (spun.lessThan(m_minSoln))
      m_minSoln = spun;
   else if (m_maxSoln.lessThan(spun))
      m_maxSoln = spun;

TUInt32 countOnes(BitVec v) {
   TUInt32 n = 0;
   while (v) {
      v = v & (v - 1);

   return n;

bool Board::badRegion(BitVec & toFill, BitVec rNew)
   // grow empty region, until it doesn't change any more
   BitVec region;
   do {
      region = rNew;

      // simple grow up/down
      rNew |= (region >> N_COL);
      rNew |= (region << N_COL);

      // grow right/left
      rNew |= (region & ~L_EDGE_MASK) >> 1;
      rNew |= (region & ~R_EDGE_MASK) << 1;

      // tricky growth
      BitVec evenRegion = region & (ROW_0_MASK & ~L_EDGE_MASK);
      rNew |= evenRegion >> (N_COL + 1);
      rNew |= evenRegion << (N_COL - 1);
      BitVec oddRegion = region & (ROW_1_MASK & ~R_EDGE_MASK);
      rNew |= oddRegion >> (N_COL - 1);
      rNew |= oddRegion << (N_COL + 1);

      // clamp against existing pieces
      rNew &= toFill;
   while ((rNew != toFill) && (rNew != region));

   // subtract empty region from board
   toFill ^= rNew;

   TUInt32 nCells = countOnes(toFill);
   return (nCells % Piece::N_ELEM != 0);

static TUInt32 g_firstRegion[] = {
   0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03,   0x04, 0x01, 0x06, 0x07,
   0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03,   0x0c, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x0f,

   0x10, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03,   0x04, 0x01, 0x06, 0x07,
   0x18, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03,   0x1c, 0x01, 0x1e, 0x1f

int Board::calcBadIslands(BitVec boardVec, int row)
   BitVec toFill = ~boardVec;
   if (row & 1) {
      toFill <<= N_COL;

   BitVec boardMask = BOARD_MASK; // all but the first two bits
   if (row > 4) {
      int boardMaskShift = (row - 4) * N_COL;
      boardMask >>= boardMaskShift;
   toFill &= boardMask;

   // a little pre-work to speed things up
   BitVec bottom = (TOP_ROW << (5 * N_COL));
   bool filled = ((bottom & toFill) == bottom);
   while ((bottom & toFill) == bottom) {
      toFill ^= bottom;
      bottom >>= N_COL;

   BitVec startRegion;
   if (filled || (row < 4))
      startRegion = bottom & toFill;
   else {
      startRegion = g_firstRegion[toFill & TOP_ROW];
      if (startRegion == 0)  {
         startRegion = (toFill >> N_COL) & TOP_ROW;
         startRegion = g_firstRegion[startRegion];
         startRegion <<= N_COL;
      startRegion |= (startRegion << N_COL) & toFill;

   do {
      if (badRegion(toFill, startRegion))
         return ALWAYS_BAD;
      int iPos = getFirstOne(toFill);
      startRegion = getMask(iPos);
   } while (toFill);

   return GOOD;

int Board::hasBadIslands(BitVec boardVec, int row)
   // skip over any filled rows
   while ((boardVec & TOP_ROW) == TOP_ROW) {
      boardVec >>= N_COL;

   TUInt32 iInfo = boardVec & TOP_2_ROWS;
   IslandInfo & info = g_islandInfo[iInfo];

   TUInt32 thirdRow = (boardVec >> TWO_ROWS) & TOP_ROW;
   TUInt32 mask = getMask(thirdRow);
   TUInt32 isOdd = row & 1;
   TUInt32 & alwaysBad = info.alwaysBad[isOdd];

   if (alwaysBad & mask)
      return ALWAYS_BAD;

   if (boardVec == 0)
      return GOOD;

   return calcBadIslands(boardVec, row);

void Board::genAllSolutions(BitVec boardVec, TUInt32 placedPieces, TUInt32 row)
   while ((boardVec & TOP_ROW) == TOP_ROW) {
      boardVec >>= N_COL;
   TUInt32 iNextFill = s_firstOne[~boardVec & TOP_ROW];
   const OkPieces & allowed = g_okPieces[row][iNextFill];

   int iPiece = getFirstOne(~placedPieces);
   int pieceMask = getMask(iPiece);

   for (; iPiece < N_PIECE_TYPE; iPiece++, pieceMask <<= 1)
      // skip if we've already used this piece
      if (pieceMask & placedPieces)

      placedPieces |= pieceMask;

      for (int iOrient = 0; iOrient < allowed.nPieces[iPiece]; iOrient++) {
         BitVec pieceVec = allowed.pieceVec[iPiece][iOrient];

         // check if piece conflicts with other pieces
         if ((pieceVec & boardVec) || hasBadIslands(boardVec | pieceVec, row))

         m_curSoln.pushPiece(pieceVec, iPiece, row);

         // recur or record solution
         if (placedPieces != Piece::ALL_PIECE_MASK)
            genAllSolutions(boardVec | pieceVec, placedPieces, row);

         // remove the piece before continuing with a new piece

      placedPieces ^= pieceMask;

int main(int argc, char * []) {
   if (argc > 2)
      return 1; // spec says this is an error

   Board b;
   b.genAllSolutions(0, 0, 0);
   cout << b.m_nSoln << " solutions found\n\n";
   cout << b.m_minSoln.toString() << '\n';
   cout << b.m_maxSoln.toString() << endl;

   return 0;


notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
g++ (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3) 7.2.0

Mon, 30 Oct 2017 21:58:19 GMT

/usr/bin/g++ -c -pipe -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=native   meteor.gpp-5.c++ -o meteor.gpp-5.c++.o &&  \
        /usr/bin/g++ meteor.gpp-5.c++.o -o meteor.gpp-5.gpp_run  
rm meteor.gpp-5.c++

1.29s to complete and log all make actions

./meteor.gpp-5.gpp_run 2098

2098 solutions found

0 0 0 0 1 
 2 2 2 0 1 
2 6 6 1 1 
 2 6 1 5 5 
8 6 5 5 5 
 8 6 3 3 3 
4 8 8 9 3 
 4 4 8 9 3 
4 7 4 7 9 
 7 7 7 9 9 

9 9 9 9 8 
 9 6 6 8 5 
6 6 8 8 5 
 6 8 2 5 5 
7 7 7 2 5 
 7 4 7 2 0 
1 4 2 2 0 
 1 4 4 0 3 
1 4 0 0 3 
 1 1 3 3 3