The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

pidigits OCaml #4 program

source code

(* The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
 * contributed by Christophe TROESTLER
 * modified by Matías Giovannini
 * modified by Ethan Burns

module Z = struct
  let lg n =
    let open Int64 in
    let x = ref (of_int n)
    and r = ref 0 in
    if logand !x 0xffffffff00000000L <> 0L then (x := shift_right_logical !x 32; r := !r + 32);
    if logand !x 0x00000000ffff0000L <> 0L then (x := shift_right_logical !x 16; r := !r + 16);
    if logand !x 0x000000000000ff00L <> 0L then (x := shift_right_logical !x  8; r := !r +  8);
    if logand !x 0x00000000000000f0L <> 0L then (x := shift_right_logical !x  4; r := !r +  4);
    if logand !x 0x000000000000000cL <> 0L then (x := shift_right_logical !x  2; r := !r +  2);
    if logand !x 0x0000000000000002L <> 0L then                                  r := !r +  1 ;

  let next_pow2_int n =
    1 lsl (lg (n + pred (1 lsl (lg n))))

  let len_int = Sys.word_size - 2

  let sgn_int n = (n asr len_int) - ((-n) asr len_int)

  open Nat

  let set_abs_digit_nat r o n =
    set_digit_nat r o (n lxor (n asr len_int));
    ignore (incr_nat r o 1 (n lsr len_int))

  type z = {
    (* inv: sign == 0 === is_zero_nat repr 0 (length_nat repr) *)
    mutable sign : int;
    (* inv: size == num_digits_nat repr 0 (length_nat repr) *)
    mutable size : int;
    mutable repr : nat;

  let make len =
    { sign = 0; size = 1; repr = make_nat len; }

  let of_int n =
    let i = make 1 in
    set_abs_digit_nat i.repr 0 n;
    i.sign <- sgn_int n;

  let neg i = i.sign <- -i.sign

  let clear i =
    set_to_zero_nat i.repr 0 (length_nat i.repr);
    i.sign <- 0;
    i.size <- 1

  let set i j =
    let capa = length_nat i.repr in
    if j.size > capa then
      i.repr <- create_nat j.size
    else if j.size < capa then
      set_to_zero_nat i.repr j.size (capa - j.size);
    blit_nat i.repr 0 j.repr 0 j.size;
    i.sign <- j.sign;
    i.size <- j.size

  let ensure_capacity i size =
    let capa = length_nat i.repr in
    if size > capa then begin
      let capa = next_pow2_int size in
      let repr = create_nat capa in
      blit_nat repr 0 i.repr 0 i.size;
      set_to_zero_nat repr i.size (capa - i.size);
      i.repr <- repr

  let carryin c i =
    (* [i] might not be normal, since this function is internal *)
    let size = i.size + 1 in
    ensure_capacity i size;
    set_digit_nat i.repr i.size c;
    i.size <- size

  let addsub ~doadd i j =
    let cmp = compare_nat i.repr 0 i.size j.repr 0 j.size in
    if cmp < 0 then begin
      (* Denormalize i to j's length *)
      ensure_capacity i j.size;
      i.size <- j.size
    if doadd then begin
      let c = add_nat i.repr 0 i.size j.repr 0 j.size 0 in
      if c != 0 then carryin c i
    end else begin
      let c = sub_nat i.repr 0 i.size j.repr 0 j.size 1 in
      if c == 0 then begin
        complement_nat i.repr 0 i.size;
        ignore (incr_nat i.repr 0 i.size 1);
        i.sign <- -i.sign
      (* Normalize *)
      i.size <- num_digits_nat i.repr 0 i.size;
      if is_zero_nat i.repr 0 i.size then i.sign <- 0

  let add i j =
    if j.sign == 0 then () else
    if i.sign == 0 then set i j else
    addsub ~doadd:(i.sign == j.sign) i j
  and sub i j =
    if j.sign == 0 then () else
    if i.sign == 0 then (set i j; neg i) else
    addsub ~doadd:(i.sign != j.sign) i j

  let temp = create_nat 1

  let imul i n =
    if n <= 0 then failwith "imul";
    set_abs_digit_nat temp 0 (n - 1);
    let c = mult_digit_nat i.repr 0 i.size i.repr 0 i.size temp 0 in
    if c != 0 then carryin c i

  let idiv i j =
    if compare_nat i.repr 0 i.size j.repr 0 j.size < 0 then 0 else begin
      if compare_digits_nat i.repr (i.size-1) j.repr (j.size-1) >= 0 then
        carryin 0 i;
      if i.size != j.size + 1 then failwith "idiv"; (* multidigit *)
      div_nat i.repr 0 i.size j.repr 0 j.size;
      i.sign * j.sign * nth_digit_nat i.repr j.size

let u, v = Z.(make 1, make 1)

let extract i n a d =
  let open Z in
  set  u n;
  imul u i;
  add  u a;
  idiv u d

let produce i n a d =
  let open Z in
  if i != 0 then begin
    set  u d;
    imul u i;
    sub  a u
  imul n 10;
  imul a 10

and consume i n a d =
  let open Z in
  let j = 2*i + 1 in
  set  u n;
  add  u n;
  add  a u;
  imul n i;
  imul a j;
  imul d j

let pi num =
  let cnt = ref 0
  and pos = ref 0 in
  let end_row () =
    print_string  "\t:";
    print_int     !cnt;
    print_newline ();
    pos := 0
  let show d =
    print_char (char_of_int (d + 48));
    incr cnt;
    incr pos;
    if !pos == 10 then end_row ();
    if !cnt == num then begin
      if !pos != 0 then begin
        print_string (String.make (10 - !pos) ' ');
        end_row ()
      raise Exit
  let numer = Z.of_int 1
  and accum = Z.of_int 0
  and denom = Z.of_int 1
  and i     = ref 1 in
  try while true do
    let d = extract 3 numer accum denom in
    if d == extract 4 numer accum denom
    then (show d;  produce d numer accum denom)
    else (consume !i numer accum denom; incr i)
  done with Exit -> ()

let () = pi (try int_of_string (Array.get Sys.argv 1) with _ -> 27)

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
The OCaml native-code compiler, version 4.06.0

Sun, 05 Nov 2017 22:27:14 GMT

mv pidigits.ocaml-4.ocaml
/opt/src/ocaml-4.06.0/bin/ocamlopt -noassert -unsafe -fPIC -nodynlink -inline 100 -O3 -I /usr/local/lib/ocaml/gmp gmp.cmxa -o pidigits.ocaml-4.ocaml_run
File "", line 29, characters 7-10:
Error: Unbound module Nat
/home/dunham/benchmarksgame/nanobench/makefiles/u64q.programs.Makefile:417: recipe for target 'pidigits.ocaml-4.ocaml_run' failed
make: [pidigits.ocaml-4.ocaml_run] Error 2 (ignored)

0.04s to complete and log all make actions

./pidigits.ocaml-4.ocaml_run 2000