The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

reverse-complement F# .NET Core #2 program

source code

// The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
// contributed by Jimmy Tang
// multithreaded by Anthony Lloyd

open System
open System.Threading.Tasks

let pageSize = 1024 * 1024
let pages = Array.zeroCreate 256
let scans = Array.zeroCreate<Task<int>> 256

type Message =
    | NotFound of scanNext:int
    | Found of (int * int)
    | ReadEnd of ((int * int) * AsyncReplyChannel<unit>)
    | Reversed of ((int*int) * (int*int))
    | Written of (int*int)

let mb() = MailboxProcessor.Start (fun mb ->
    let scan (startPage,startIndex) =
        let rec find page =
            let pageBytes = pages.[page]
            if isNull pageBytes then NotFound page |> mb.Post
                let startPos = if page=startPage then startIndex+1 else 0
                let i = if startPos=0 then scans.[page].Result
                        else Array.IndexOf(pageBytes,'>'B, startPos)
                if i>=0 then Found (page,i) |> mb.Post
                else find (page+1)
        find startPage

    let map = Array.init 256 byte
    Array.iter2 (fun i v -> map.[int i] <- v)

    let reverse (startPage,startIndex) (endPage,endExclusive) =
        let rec skipHeader page =
            let startPos = if page=startPage then startIndex+1 else 0
            let endPos = if page=endPage then endExclusive else pageSize
            let i = Array.IndexOf(pages.[page],'\n'B,startPos,endPos-startPos)
            if -1<>i then page,i+1 else skipHeader (page+1)        
        let mutable loPageId,lo = skipHeader startPage
        let mutable hiPageId,hi = endPage,endExclusive-1
        let mutable loPage,hiPage = pages.[loPageId],pages.[hiPageId]
        let inline checkhilo() =
            if pageSize=lo then
                loPageId <- loPageId+1
                loPage <- pages.[loPageId]
                lo <- 0        
            if -1=hi then
                hiPageId <- hiPageId-1
                hiPage <- pages.[hiPageId]
                hi <- pageSize-1
            loPageId<hiPageId || (loPageId=hiPageId && lo<=hi)                
        while checkhilo() do
            let iValue = loPage.[lo]
            let jValue = hiPage.[hi]
            if iValue='\n'B || jValue='\n'B then
                if iValue='\n'B then lo <- lo+1
                if jValue='\n'B then hi <- hi-1
                loPage.[lo] <- map.[int jValue]
                hiPage.[hi] <- map.[int iValue]
                lo <- lo+1
                hi <- hi-1
        Reversed ((startPage,startIndex),(endPage,endExclusive)) |> mb.Post

    let out = Console.OpenStandardOutput()
    let write ((startPage,startIndex),(endPage,endExclusive)) =
        let rec write page =
            let startPos = if page=startPage then startIndex else 0
            let endPos = if page=endPage then endExclusive else pageSize
            out.Write(pages.[page], startPos, endPos-startPos)
            if page<>endPage then write (page+1)
        write startPage
        Written (endPage,endExclusive) |> mb.Post

    let rec loop readEnd scanNext lastFound writeNext writeList = async {
        let! msg = mb.Receive()
        let inline run (a:unit->unit) = Task.Run a |> ignore
        match msg with
        | NotFound scanNext ->
            match readEnd with
            | Some ((page,_) as theEnd,_) when page+1 = scanNext ->
                run (fun () -> reverse lastFound theEnd)
                return! loop readEnd scanNext lastFound writeNext writeList
            | _ ->
                run (fun () -> scan (scanNext,0))
                return! loop readEnd -1 lastFound writeNext writeList
        | Found scanFound ->
            run (fun () -> reverse lastFound scanFound)
            run (fun () -> scan scanFound)
            return! loop readEnd -1 scanFound writeNext writeList
        | ReadEnd readEnd ->
            return! loop (Some readEnd) scanNext lastFound writeNext writeList
        | Reversed ((start,_) as section) ->
            if start=writeNext then
                run (fun () -> write section)
                return! loop readEnd scanNext lastFound (-1,-1) writeList
                let writeList = section::writeList
                return! loop readEnd scanNext lastFound writeNext writeList
        | Written writtenTo ->
            match List.partition (fst>>(=)writtenTo) writeList with
            | [section],restList ->
                run (fun () -> write section)
                return! loop readEnd scanNext lastFound (-1,-1) restList
            | _ ->
                match readEnd with
                | Some(theEnd,r) when writtenTo=theEnd -> r.Reply()
                | _ -> ()
                return! loop readEnd scanNext lastFound writtenTo writeList
    loop None 0 (0,0) (0,0) []

let main _ =
    let stream = Console.OpenStandardInput()

    let mb = Task.Run mb
    let rec loop i =
        let buffer = Array.zeroCreate pageSize

        let rec read offset count =
            let bytesRead = stream.Read(buffer, offset, count)
            if bytesRead=count then offset+count
            elif bytesRead=0 then offset
            else read (offset+bytesRead) (count-bytesRead)

        let bytesRead = read 0 pageSize
        if i<>0 then
            scans.[i] <- Task.Run(fun () -> Array.IndexOf(buffer,'>'B))
        pages.[i] <- buffer
        if i=0 then NotFound 0 |> mb.Result.Post
        if bytesRead=pageSize then loop (i+1)
            mb.Result.PostAndAsyncReply(fun r -> ReadEnd ((i,bytesRead), r))

    loop 0 |> Async.RunSynchronously

notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
2.0.2 a04b4bf512
"System.GC.Server": true

Mon, 26 Mar 2018 23:03:01 GMT

cp revcomp.fsharpcore-2.fsharpcore Program.fs
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj .
cp Include/fsharpcore/runtimeconfig.template.json .
mkdir obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/project.assets.json ./obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj.nuget.g.props ./obj
cp Include/fsharpcore/tmp.fsproj.nuget.g.targets ./obj
/usr/bin/dotnet build -c Release --no-restore
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version for .NET Core
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

  tmp -> /home/dunham/benchmarksgame_quadcore/revcomp/tmp/bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/tmp.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:16.97

21.18s to complete and log all make actions

/usr/bin/dotnet ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/tmp.dll 0 < revcomp-input100000000.txt



Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at Program.loop@127-11(Stream stream, Task`1 mb, Int32 i) in /home/dunham/benchmarksgame_quadcore/revcomp/tmp/Program.fs:line 139
   at Program.main(String[] _arg1) in /home/dunham/benchmarksgame_quadcore/revcomp/tmp/Program.fs:line 146