The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

spectral-norm Lisp SBCL #4 program

source code

;;    The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
;;    Adapted from the C (gcc) code by Sebastien Loisel
;;    Contributed by Christopher Neufeld
;;    Modified by Juho Snellman 2005-10-26
;;      * Use SIMPLE-ARRAY instead of ARRAY in declarations
;;      * Use TRUNCATE instead of / for fixnum division
;;      * Rearrange EVAL-A to make it more readable and a bit faster
;;    Modified by Andy Hefner 2008-09-18
;;      * Eliminate array consing
;;      * Clean up type declarations in eval-A
;;      * Distribute work across multiple cores on SBCL
;;    Modified by Witali Kusnezow 2008-12-02
;;      * use right shift instead of truncate for division in eval-A
;;      * redefine eval-A as a macro
;;    Modified by Lorenzo Bolla 2010-12-06
;;      * added declaim at top of file

;;      * NOT eval-A as a macro
;;      * NOT right shift instead of truncate for division in eval-A

;; This is our most expensive function.  Optimized with the knowledge
;; that 'n' will never be "huge".  This will break if 'n' exceeds
;; approximately half of the square root of the largest fixnum
;; supported by the implementation.  On 32-bit sbcl,
;; 'most-positive-fixnum' is 536870911, and we can support values of
;; 'n' above 11000.

(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)))

(defun eval-A (i j)
  (declare (type fixnum i j))
  (let* ((n (+ i j))
         (n+1 (1+ n)))
    (declare (fixnum n n+1))
    (/ (float (+ (truncate (the fixnum (* n n+1)) 2) i 1) 0d0))))

(defun eval-At-times-u (u n Au start end)
  (declare (type fixnum n start end)
           (type (simple-array double-float) u Au))
  (loop for i from start below end do
        (setf (aref Au i)
              (loop for j below n
                    summing (* (aref u j) (eval-A j i))
                    of-type double-float))))

(defun eval-A-times-u (u n Au start end)
  (declare (type fixnum n start end)
           (type (simple-array double-float) u Au))
  (loop for i from start below end do
        (setf (aref Au i)
              (loop for j below n
                    summing (* (aref u j) (eval-A i j))
                    of-type double-float))))

(defun execute-parallel (start end function)
  (declare (optimize (speed 0)))
  (let* ((num-threads 4))
    (loop with step = (truncate (- end start) num-threads)
          for index from start below end by step
          collecting (let ((start index)
                           (end (min end (+ index step))))
                        (lambda () (funcall function start end))))
          into threads
          finally (mapcar #'sb-thread:join-thread threads))))

(defun execute-parallel (start end function )
  (funcall function start end))

(defun eval-AtA-times-u (u AtAu v n start end)
  (execute-parallel start end
    (lambda (start end)
      (eval-A-times-u u n v start end)))
  (execute-parallel start end
    (lambda (start end)
      (eval-At-times-u v n AtAu start end))))

(defun main (&optional n-supplied)
  (let ((n (or n-supplied
               (parse-integer (or (car (last #+sbcl sb-ext:*posix-argv*
                                             #+clisp ext:*args*
                                             #+cmu extensions:*command-line-strings*
                                             #+gcl  si::*command-args*))
    (declare (type fixnum n))
    (or (typep (* (- (* 2 n) 1) (- (* 2 n) 2)) 'fixnum)
        (error "The supplied value of 'n' breaks the optimizations in EVAL-A"))
    (let ((u (make-array n :element-type 'double-float :initial-element 1.0d0))
          (v (make-array n :element-type 'double-float))
          (tmp (make-array n :element-type 'double-float)))
      (declare (type (simple-array double-float) U V))
      (dotimes (i 10)
        (eval-AtA-times-u u v tmp n 0 n)
        (eval-AtA-times-u v u tmp n 0 n))
      (let ((vBv 0.0d0)
            (vv 0.0d0))
        (dotimes (i n)
          (incf vBv (* (aref u i) (aref v i)))
          (incf vv (* (aref v i) (aref v i))))
        (format t "~11,9F~%" (sqrt (the (double-float 0d0) (/ vBv vv))))))))


notes, command-line, and program output

64-bit Ubuntu quad core
SBCL 1.4.0

Thu, 26 Oct 2017 17:46:07 GMT

cp: 'spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl' and './spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl' are the same file
SBCL built with: /opt/src/sbcl-1.4.0/bin/sbcl --userinit /dev/null --batch --eval '(load "spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl_compile")'
### START spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl_compile
(handler-bind ((sb-ext:defconstant-uneql      (lambda (c) (abort c))))      (load (compile-file "spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl" ))) (save-lisp-and-die "sbcl.core" :purify t)
### END spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl_compile

; compiling file "/home/dunham/benchmarksgame/bench/spectralnorm/spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl" (written 17 SEP 2017 12:50:56 PM):
; compiling (DECLAIM (OPTIMIZE # ...))
; compiling (DEFUN EVAL-A ...)
; file: /home/dunham/benchmarksgame/bench/spectralnorm/spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl
;     (DEFUN EVAL-A (I J)
;       (LET* ((N (+ I J)) (N+1 (1+ N)))
;         (DECLARE (FIXNUM N N+1))
;         (/ (FLOAT (+ # I 1) 0.0d0))))
; ==>
;         (I J)
;       (BLOCK EVAL-A
;         (LET* ((N #) (N+1 #))
;           (DECLARE (FIXNUM N N+1))
;           (/ (FLOAT # 0.0d0)))))
; note: doing float to pointer coercion (cost 13) to "<return value>"

; compiling (DEFUN EVAL-AT-TIMES-U ...)
; compiling (DEFUN EVAL-A-TIMES-U ...)
; compiling (DEFUN EXECUTE-PARALLEL ...)
; compiling (DEFUN EVAL-ATA-TIMES-U ...)
; compiling (DEFUN MAIN ...)
; file: /home/dunham/benchmarksgame/bench/spectralnorm/spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl
;     (/ VBV VV)
; note: unable to
;   optimize
; due to type uncertainty:
;   The first argument is a NUMBER, not a (COMPLEX SINGLE-FLOAT).
;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a (COMPLEX SINGLE-FLOAT).
; note: unable to
;   optimize
; due to type uncertainty:
;   The first argument is a NUMBER, not a SINGLE-FLOAT.
;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a (COMPLEX SINGLE-FLOAT).
; note: unable to
;   optimize
; due to type uncertainty:
;   The first argument is a NUMBER, not a (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT).
;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT).
; note: unable to
;   optimize
; due to type uncertainty:
;   The first argument is a NUMBER, not a DOUBLE-FLOAT.
;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT).
; note: unable to
;   convert x/2^k to shift
; due to type uncertainty:
;   The first argument is a NUMBER, not a INTEGER.
;   The second argument is a NUMBER, not a INTEGER.

;     (- (* 2 N) 1)
; note: forced to do GENERIC-- (cost 10)
;       unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 1) because:
;       The first argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775806), not a FIXNUM.
;       The result is a (VALUES
;                        (INTEGER -9223372036854775809 9223372036854775805)
;                        &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM &REST T).
;       unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 2) because:
;       The first argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775806), not a FIXNUM.
;       The result is a (VALUES
;                        (INTEGER -9223372036854775809 9223372036854775805)
;                        &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM &REST T).
;       etc.

;     (- (* 2 N) 2)
; note: forced to do GENERIC-- (cost 10)
;       unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 1) because:
;       The first argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775806), not a FIXNUM.
;       The result is a (VALUES
;                        (INTEGER -9223372036854775810 9223372036854775804)
;                        &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM &REST T).
;       unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 2) because:
;       The first argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775808 9223372036854775806), not a FIXNUM.
;       The result is a (VALUES
;                        (INTEGER -9223372036854775810 9223372036854775804)
;                        &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM &REST T).
;       etc.

;     (* (- (* 2 N) 1) (- (* 2 N) 2))
; note: forced to do GENERIC-* (cost 30)
;       unable to do inline fixnum arithmetic (cost 4) because:
;       The first argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775809 9223372036854775805), not a FIXNUM.
;       The second argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775810
;                                 9223372036854775804), not a FIXNUM.
;       The result is a (VALUES
;                        (INTEGER -85070591730234615856620279821087277050
;                         85070591730234615893513767968506380290)
;                        &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES FIXNUM &REST T).
;       unable to do inline (signed-byte 64) arithmetic (cost 5) because:
;       The first argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775809 9223372036854775805), not a (SIGNED-BYTE
;                                                                                          64).
;       The second argument is a (INTEGER -9223372036854775810
;                                 9223372036854775804), not a (SIGNED-BYTE 64).
;       The result is a (VALUES
;                        (INTEGER -85070591730234615856620279821087277050
;                         85070591730234615893513767968506380290)
;                        &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES (SIGNED-BYTE 64) &REST T).
;       etc.

;     (INCF VBV (* (AREF U I) (AREF V I)))
; --> SETQ THE 
; ==>
;   (+ (* (AREF U I) (AREF V I)) VBV)
; note: forced to do GENERIC-+ (cost 10)
;       unable to do inline float arithmetic (cost 2) because:
;       The second argument is a NUMBER, not a DOUBLE-FLOAT.
;       The result is a (VALUES NUMBER &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES DOUBLE-FLOAT
;                                                                &REST T).
;       unable to do inline float arithmetic (cost 4) because:
;       The second argument is a NUMBER, not a (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT).
;       The result is a (VALUES NUMBER &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES
;                                                         (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT)
;                                                         &REST T).

;     (INCF VV (* (AREF V I) (AREF V I)))
; --> SETQ THE 
; ==>
;   (+ (* (AREF V I) (AREF V I)) VV)
; note: forced to do GENERIC-+ (cost 10)
;       unable to do inline float arithmetic (cost 2) because:
;       The second argument is a NUMBER, not a DOUBLE-FLOAT.
;       The result is a (VALUES NUMBER &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES DOUBLE-FLOAT
;                                                                &REST T).
;       unable to do inline float arithmetic (cost 4) because:
;       The second argument is a NUMBER, not a (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT).
;       The result is a (VALUES NUMBER &OPTIONAL), not a (VALUES
;                                                         (COMPLEX DOUBLE-FLOAT)
;                                                         &REST T).

;     (/ VBV VV)
; note: forced to do full call
;       unable to do inline float arithmetic (cost 19) because:
;       The first argument is a NUMBER, not a DOUBLE-FLOAT.
;       The second argument is a NUMBER, not a DOUBLE-FLOAT.

;     (- (* 2 N) 1)
; note: doing signed word to integer coercion (cost 20), for:
;       the first argument of GENERIC--

;     (- (* 2 N) 2)
; note: doing signed word to integer coercion (cost 20), for:
;       the first argument of GENERIC--

;     (INCF VBV (* (AREF U I) (AREF V I)))
; --> SETQ THE 
; ==>
;   (+ (* (AREF U I) (AREF V I)) VBV)
; note: doing float to pointer coercion (cost 13), for:
;       the first argument of GENERIC-+

;     (INCF VV (* (AREF V I) (AREF V I)))
; --> SETQ THE 
; ==>
;   (+ (* (AREF V I) (AREF V I)) VV)
; note: doing float to pointer coercion (cost 13), for:
;       the first argument of GENERIC-+

;     (FORMAT T "~11,9F~%" (SQRT (THE (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0d0) (/ VBV VV))))
; ==>
;                            #:FVAR5 #:FVAR6 #:FVAR7 NIL)
; note: doing float to pointer coercion (cost 13)
; compilation unit finished
;   printed 17 notes

; /home/dunham/benchmarksgame_quadcore/spectralnorm/tmp/spectralnorm.sbcl-4.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00.034
### START spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl_run
(main) (quit)
### END spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl_run

3.51s to complete and log all make actions

/opt/src/sbcl-1.4.0/bin/sbcl --dynamic-space-size 500 --noinform --core sbcl.core --userinit /dev/null --load spectralnorm.sbcl-4.sbcl_run 5500
