MOJO: Mini Online Judge Operator (High Peformance)
Project mojo-hp is deprecated and archived. This project will be succeeded by KJudge @
The Mini Online Judge Operator (MOJO) is a high performance online coding judge platform developed and maintained by Subhadra Sundar Chakraborty (@sschakraborty) and Suvaditya Sur (@x0r19x91). MOJO is built on a custom high performance architecture developed by @sschakraborty that makes it massively scalable and distributable over hundreds of nodes. The codes are judged on multiple nodes in parallel in a cluster. The underlying mechanisms are completely non-blocking, asynchronous and event-driven which add to the performance.
The core of the judge is natively written on top of Linux kernel API (Linux 2.6+) and is developed and maintained by @x0r19x91. The core is asynchronous and highly capable of matching the speeds required for a performance critical distributed online judge.
The latest version is 1.2.0. MOJO 1.2.0 is the first MOJO version that features a fully functional high-performance native core at it’s heart with option for vanilla core as well.
To use MOJO:
For any support / contribution contact me at