The Computer Language
Benchmarks Game

all OCaml programs & measurements

The OCaml native-code compiler, version 4.06.0

source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
binary-trees  #2  7 ? 751 0.00
binary-trees  #2 0.04  14 ? 751 0.10 75% 75% 60% 100%
binary-trees  #2 10.03  21 115,968 751 30.17 89% 89% 82% 44%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
binary-trees  #5 0.02  7 ? 461 ? 100% 0% 0% 0%
binary-trees  #5 0.07  14 ? 461 0.07 0% 17% 100% 0%
binary-trees  #5 22.79  21 151,984 461 22.76 100% 1% 1% 1%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
chameneos-redux  #3 5.73  60,000 5,720 1155 8.89 48% 27% 25% 49%
chameneos-redux  #3 63.89  600,000 5,844 1155 97.99 37% 37% 37% 37%
chameneos-redux  #3 624.87  6,000,000 5,908 1155 955.30 35% 39% 38% 36%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
chameneos-redux  1.67  60,000 5,092 1293 2.65 63% 16% 13% 63%
chameneos-redux  17.44  600,000 5,092 1293 28.62 47% 32% 31% 47%
chameneos-redux  169.42  6,000,000 5,192 1293 279.54 41% 39% 37% 42%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
fannkuch-redux  #3 0.12  10 ? 1017 ? 92% 100% 93% 92%
fannkuch-redux  #3 1.22  11 ? 1017 ? 99% 100% 99% 100%
fannkuch-redux  #3 16.12  12 ? 1017 ? 100% 100% 100% 100%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
fannkuch-redux  0.63  10 1,544 524 0.63 0% 3% 100% 0%
fannkuch-redux  7.59  11 1,864 524 7.58 6% 0% 1% 95%
fannkuch-redux  99.94  12 1,836 524 99.92 0% 99% 2% 0%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
fannkuch-redux  #4 0.11  10 ? 1004 ? 91% 100% 91% 100%
fannkuch-redux  #4 1.24  11 ? 1004 ? 100% 99% 99% 99%
fannkuch-redux  #4 16.53  12 ? 1004 ? 100% 100% 100% 100%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
fannkuch-redux  #2 0.53  10 1,588 473 0.52 100% 0% 0% 2%
fannkuch-redux  #2 6.39  11 1,668 473 6.38 0% 100% 1% 0%
fannkuch-redux  #2 85.49  12 1,856 473 85.47 0% 1% 0% 100%
fasta  #3 Make Error  250,000
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
fasta  #6 0.09  250,000 ? 1189 0.07 0% 0% 75% 22%
fasta  #6 0.63  2,500,000 15,528 1189 0.63 3% 2% 100% 0%
fasta  #6 6.00  25,000,000 199,732 1189 5.99 0% 2% 100% 0%
k-nucleotide  Make Error  250,000
k-nucleotide  #2 Make Error  250,000
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
k-nucleotide  #3 0.32  250,000 34,216 1833 0.68 43% 42% 65% 77%
k-nucleotide  #3 2.60  2,500,000 34,556 1833 6.33 38% 42% 93% 83%
k-nucleotide  #3 21.63  25,000,000 255,436 1833 57.55 47% 39% 94% 89%
mandelbrot  Make Error  1,000
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
mandelbrot  #6 0.22  1,000 1,712 444 0.22 0% 100% 4% 0%
mandelbrot  #6 3.47  4,000 2,724 444 3.47 0% 41% 60% 0%
mandelbrot  #6 55.18  16,000 2,900 444 55.17 0% 1% 0% 100%
meteor-contest  Make Error  2,098
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
n-body  0.22  500,000 1,640 1251 0.22 96% 5% 5% 5%
n-body  2.18  5,000,000 1,500 1251 2.17 0% 1% 100% 0%
n-body  21.67  50,000,000 1,588 1251 21.67 61% 1% 0% 39%
pidigits  Make Error  2,000
pidigits  #4 Make Error  2,000
pidigits  #2 Make Error  2,000
pidigits  #3 Make Error  2,000
regex-redux  #4 Make Error  50,000
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
regex-redux  #2 0.23  50,000 1,876 637 0.20 92% 0% 12% 5%
regex-redux  #2 2.41  500,000 96,328 637 2.32 1% 100% 0% 1%
regex-redux  #2 24.66  5,000,000 968,800 637 24.64 1% 1% 0% 100%
reverse-complement  #4 Make Error  250,000
reverse-complement  #2 Make Error  250,000
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
reverse-complement  0.07  250,000 ? 1368 ? 33% 25% 13% 0%
reverse-complement  3.73  100,000,000 ? 1368 ? 56% 62% 55% 58%
reverse-complement  #3 Make Error  250,000
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
spectral-norm  #2 0.13  500 ? 377 0.13 0% 100% 0% 0%
spectral-norm  #2 4.67  3,000 3,056 377 4.67 100% 0% 1% 0%
spectral-norm  #2 15.69  5,500 3,624 377 15.69 51% 1% 0% 49%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
spectral-norm  #3 0.13  500 ? 914 0.38 67% 77% 54% 83%
spectral-norm  #3 1.36  3,000 8,128 914 4.88 93% 90% 90% 88%
spectral-norm  #3 4.31  5,500 5,280 914 15.97 92% 94% 93% 92%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
thread-ring  3.80  500,000 4,876 282 4.98 1% 64% 66% 1%
thread-ring  40.49  5,000,000 4,892 282 53.79 48% 16% 15% 48%
thread-ring  424.72  50,000,000 4,596 282 571.46 27% 36% 36% 28%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
thread-ring  #3 2.02  500,000 7,064 296 2.63 45% 15% 16% 44%
thread-ring  #3 19.84  5,000,000 7,028 296 25.99 55% 7% 7% 55%
thread-ring  #3 200.93  50,000,000 7,168 296 263.03 29% 30% 30% 30%
source secs N mem gz cpu cpu load
thread-ring  #2 2.07  500,000 2,960 350 2.71 62% 1% 1% 64%
thread-ring  #2 20.13  5,000,000 2,012 350 26.20 45% 14% 15% 45%
thread-ring  #2 202.01  50,000,000 2,976 350 263.25 26% 33% 33% 26%